The Concert


The National Unity Walk & Concert is aimed at demonstrating the unity against people, groups and institutions determined to sow discord amongst individuals or parties in the forth coming 2023 elections. It is also aimed at achieving the strength of solidarity, togetherness and conviction, equality, justice, and change, above all, peace for a greater Nigeria.

The Unity Walk & Concert is intended to be an annual event that celebrates our electoral values of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
We acknowledge publicly our belief that diverse experiences and points of view help create a vibrant community, and that there is power in coming together in a spirit of unity.

With the two events planned for the day, religious leaders, influential artists, traditional heads, political aspirants, political party, supporters will represent the Nation as a whole and come together to affirm our commitment to ensuring that there is unity, equity and inclusion regardless of our differences.

Therefore, we will walk to signify our rejection of all forms of hate and dehumanization. We will walk to affirm our responsibility in creating and sustaining an environment that values citizens regardless of identity. We will walk to hold feet to the fire for the promise of change.

The Concert

The aim and objective of the concert is to emphasize on the need to vote and maximize the voting numbers. Through this medium we hope to accentuate the importance of youth participation in the voting process and improve voters education.

Through collaboration with influential celebrities we hope to achieve this great vision.

The concert will be the first of its kind as it tends to promote networking and unity amongst the youths

We are a team of individuals wishing to impact and Influence people to make the most of their self and claim their place and space in all spheres of life through information, empowerment, skills development and providing the necessary resources and mentorship needed.

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ACCOUNT NAME: Gina Unimke and Trisha Shine Foundation (GUTS)